SD Factory

DXN diamond program

With our method, the diamonds are produced on a conveyor belt.

Read on and believe what you read!

We have an offer.

We quadruple your efforts.

Star Agent

Prerequisite: 4500 points collected. No matter how long it takes.

Star Ruby

Prerequisite: 3 members must have reached the level of Star Agent.

Star Diamond

Prerequisite: 6 members must have reached the level of Star Agent.

With our help, you’ll be a diamond in no time!

Let’s get to know each other!

Read the details and fill out the registration form!

What are the conditions?

Do you know the 80/20 rule?

In 20% of the time spent, we do 80% of the work, and in the remaining 80% of the time, we fumble around at the remaining 20%. Our results are the outcome of 20% of our efficient work. In Europe today, on average, 180-200 people are needed in a consumer network to reach the diamond level. If you enroll 20% of them, we will register the other 80% for you.

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Where’s the catch?

First you must prove

We don’t want to help anyone who just sits around waiting for a pigeon roast. That’s why you have to do your part before the diamond factory starts.

What’s in it for me?

I’m also making faster progress…

We have an inhumanly high number of new customers joining us. 80-100 new customers every month! Randomly selecting people to build a diamond level for is not as beneficial as finding people who are committed, persistent, really want to work with us and, above all, work themselves. Such people are worth helping and giving an effective method to, because they will make good use of it.

The “small print”

They say the devil is in the details. Let’s see what we expect from someone who wants us to do 80% of their work!

Building a network of 40 people in a year. I’m talking about the entire network, not 40 people in the first line. In the first year, you have to convince us that it is worth investing energy in building your network. The first year is about learning and active work. Last 3 years, I have been uploading a video to social media platforms almost every day, which has triggered an explosive growth in our network. In 2023 and 2024, we each moved up 4 career levels and are currently at the highest level in Europe. We give you the knowledge, but you have to do the work. In 2024, we registered 1040 new clients, you only need 40 in one year. Take action and commit to helping those who accept your help! In the meantime, we will talk a lot and work together. We will get to know each other, and if you do your 20%, we will contribute the other 80%.

Think about it, and if you are not afraid of working and standing up for a good cause, fill out the form!

If you have questions, leave a message!

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9 + 15 =

You don’t believe it?

It’s OK if you don’t believe!

Your destiny is in your hands, whether you believe it or not. You always have a choice, and you can decide however you want. The choice is free. But whether you want to bear the consequences of your choice or not is no longer optional. We all drink the juice of our past decisions, good or bad. If you don’t really want to be a DXN diamond with a serious chance of breaking out of the hamster wheel, don’t get involved. But if you have the fire to be the best version of yourself, don’t hesitate, because this is a really good chance for you too!

A specific case

From zero to Star Diamond in 4 months

We conducted an experiment to see how quickly someone with this efficiency can become a diamond. Csilla’s son Zsombor registered on October 1, 2024 and became a star diamond on January 21, 2025. He is part of our family and is about to build his future in a foreign country. He does not do any networking; we have registered all of his customers with him. 233 employees in four months. During this time, we acquired 131 new direct customers. That is the power of our method. He deliberately did absolutely nothing, because that was the point: to test the effectiveness of the method. Imagine what it can do when you want it and do it yourself!

What we can teach

What is our method?

  • The key to MLM success is how many people you reach with your marketing message. We’ll show you how to reach many people. How can you make your posts go viral on social media and be seen by up to 100,000 people in 24 hours?
  • It’s useless to reach people if you can’t get their attention. We’ll show you how to capture the attention of your target audience.
  • It’s not for nothing that we use video posts to attract attention. We’ll also show you the secrets of posting videos on social media. What makes a good video?
  • Most sellers make the mistake of trying to sell without first building trust. Don’t make this mistake! But how can you build trust with videos? We’ll teach you that too.
  • What is the most effective marketing message that not only entices you to scroll but also to contact you afterwards?

Believe me, it’s not witchcraft. Those who know were not born with this knowledge, but learned it later.

Pretend that you can do it! Make it so that you don’t have to pretend!


From my blog

DXN diamond program
Article Name
DXN diamond program
We deliver the DXN diamonds on an assembly line... Be one of them!
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