Our most succesful partners

They really want the success

And they do something for it

Our most successful partners

Every team has a hard core. You also need a top team, an “offensive attack wedge,” even if that sounds a little strange for the kind of empathetic network building we advocate. Of course we don’t attack anyone, we don’t believe in pushy network marketing. We believe in helping people, and we can only do that by building relationships. We have to accept that every person has a different destiny and therefore we can’t help everyone.

On this page we have gathered the most active and committed people at the moment. We introduce each of them and publish their contact details, so if you like one of them better than us, you can choose him instead. 🙂

Double Diamond

Kövári László – Double Diamond

Star Diamond

Strifler Lászlóné Erzsébet – Star Diamond

Volker Roy – Star Diamond


Jámborné Hegedüs Erika – Star Diamond

Seres István Attila – Star Diamond

Hasan Saltik – Star Diamond

Vigh Csilla Andrea – Star Diamond

Türkan & Tarik Aktas – Star Diamond

Uwe Schepker – Star Diamond

Hegyesi Julia – Star Diamond

Tóth Ágnes – Star Diamond

Sváb Zsombor – Star Diamond

Kővári Zsuzsanna – Star Diamond

Marija Ognjanov – Star Diamond

Váczi Ilona – Star Diamond

Horn Helga – Star Diamond

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